Monday, August 6, 2012

The Days Are Long, But The Years Are Short

Tomorrow is my birthday.

The big 3-1.

Man, time sure does fly, doesn't it?  


The years are short...never has a truer statement been spoken (or written).  It seems like 31 years have flown by.  God has truly blessed me.

Today, on the eve of my birthday, I want to thank Him for so many good things in my life...

  • Salvation:  Without the blood that Jesus shed to cover my sins and the promise of a home with Him in heaven someday, my life would mean nothing.  I can never thank Him enough.
  • Grace:  I couldn't face the big life events OR the day-to-day happenings without God's abundant grace.
  • Hubby:  God sure did bless me when He sent me that sweet man of mine.  I don't tell him often enough how thankful I am for him and for everything he does for our family.  So, honey, if you are reading this, I love you and I thank God for putting us together.  You are amazing!
  • Family:  I have the best.  God gave me wonderful Christian parents who took me to church and taught me about Jesus. They gave me the best sister I could ask for, who gave me the most precious nieces and nephews in the whole world!  I am so thankful for all of them!
  • Church:  God has blessed me with a wonderful church family at a place that worships Him in spirit and truth.  Doesn't get any better than that!
  • Career:  Although my desire is to be a stay-at-home wife/mom someday, God has seen fit at this time in my life to provide me with a career that I enjoy and co-workers that are like family.  I am blessed to have a job that I love.
  • All the little things:  There are so many more things that I am blessed with and thankful for.  God is so good to me!
Tomorrow, I will turn 31.  I am going to go to work, and then spend the evening with Hubby (who has a special dinner planned for me, which I am super excited about!!)

I hope you all have a blessed week!